Invitation Letter for volunteering

Edward Tsui

Hello everyone,

We have posted all the great volunteer opportunities that await you this year on our notice board. We realize many of you may not make it all the way there for sign up, so the events are listed below, along with a description. Please take a moment to review and see if there is something you may be able to get involved with this year!

Sandwich Run is back. (postponed)

Aim: Provide and distribute food, winter wear and hygiene packs as a means to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Toronto’s homeless population.

How to get involved:

  1. Volunteering
    1. Sandwich Preparation (helping prepare sandwiches for the run on the day of January 19, 2019)
    2. Sandwich Run (coming downtown to join us on the run)
  • Cost
    • Cost-share
  • Supplies
    • If you are interested in donating supplies, please give earmuffs, socks, gloves, hat, scarf, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant and shampoo (no larger than 300 ml please)

WHEN: January 19, 2019 (Saturday)

TIME: 4 pm – 6 pm (Sandwich Preparation)
7 pm – 10 pm (Sandwich Run)

  • What to pray for:
    • More people to have the right heart and willingness to serve in this capacity
    • The individuals we meet to find their hope in Jesus and the community in the family of God

Donate A Meal

If cooking is your thing, have we got a job for you! Be prepared to cook for about 50 hungry tummies.

How to get involved:

We will prepare Saturday lunch/dinner for the residents of Youth Without Shelter (YWS) in North Etobicoke.

Youth Without Shelter (YWS) is an emergency residence and referral agency serving homeless youth ages 16¬-24 in North Etobicoke.

When: TBA

  • Cost
    • Cost-share – food

Maximum No. of Volunteers: 10

Please email me if you would like to help. Thank you!

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